
using a storage unit to make camping easier

Begin Your Relationship With Your New Neighbors On The Right Foot With These Moving Day Tips

Moving into a new neighborhood gives you the opportunity to form relationships with your new neighbors, but it's important that you don't do anything on moving day that might create a rift right away. When you're moving, it's so easy to be so focused on the busy nature of your day that you inadvertently do something that isn't overly neighborly. While it's ideal if your neighbors can overlook such grievances and not hold them against you, you'll have a better chance of keeping things amicable from the start if you keep a series of tips in mind. Here are some suggestions.

Don't Use Their Lawn

One way that you can be respectful of your neighbors and their space on moving day is to keep off their lawn. This may seem like a simple idea, but it's easy to inadvertently back your rental truck onto a neighbor's lawn. Even if the truck's tires are only a foot or two beyond your property line, this may rub some people the wrong way — especially if the neighbor works hard to keep his or her lawn in pristine condition. Additionally, make sure that none of your helpers walk across a neighbor's lawn. If your family member is parked down the street and carrying boxes, he or she may be tempted to take a shortcut across a neighbor's yard, but this isn't the best idea.

Keep Your Hours Reasonable

There's little question that your moving day can be a long day, but you should avoid being noisy too early or too late in the day. This is especially true on weekends, as your new neighbors may be enjoying sleeping in. This means that you shouldn't arrive at the house too early — no one wants to hear a moving truck's backup beeper echoing down the street at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday, for example. Similarly, you should avoid working too late into the night; slamming car doors, talking among yourselves, and other moving-related noises can be disruptive to your neighbors.

Don't Introduce Yourself — And Then Ask For Help

It's a good idea to introduce yourself to your new neighbors as soon as you're able. In fact, many people will come out to greet those who are moving into their neighborhood. It's crossing the line, however, to introduce yourself and immediately ask for assistance with a moving day task. For example, if your helpers leave early and you need someone to help you carry a washing machine inside, it's a poor choice to recruit your neighbor.

For help with your move, contact professional movers and packers.

About Me

using a storage unit to make camping easier

My family loves the outdoors. Each spring, summer and fall, we spend many of our weekends out in the woods in a tent. We camp, fish, hunt and explore the beautiful surroundings as we leave all of our electronics behind. Unfortunately, the equipment that it takes to spend that much time in the woods can take up a lot of space around the house. Packing up and loading the trailer became very tiresome for all of us, so I started looking for a way to reduce the time it takes to prepare for a trip. This blog will show you how a storage unit can make camping easier for your entire family.

